Thursday, January 26, 2012

How to be Healthy at 100

To the average American, the idea of living to age 100 seems daunting with all the sickness and disease that most people endure late in life. If pushed to choose, most would rather check out early than suffer through nursing homes, a medicine cabinet full of prescription drugs, frail bodies and a lonely, sedentary lifestyle. But what if you were told that it's possible to be healthy and vibrant and full of energy at age 100 and beyond?

Studies have been done on the longest-living people in the world to find out their secrets. The common thread amongst the Hunza, the Vilcabama, the Abkhasia and the Okinawa people is that they eat a largely vegetarian diet using freshly picked organically grown fruit and vegetables. Many also drink naturally ionized alkaline water from uncontaminated fresh-flowing rivers and streams. Not only do the majority of them live to be well over 100, but they do so while remaining mentally and physically fit, and few suffer from poor hearing or loss of eyesight. They never adopt a sedentary lifestyle, instead choosing to keep active with daily walks and climbs.

Although Americans are living longer than ever before, the average American will spend 10% of his or her life sick. Half of Americans 65+ have two or more chronic diseases and 25% have problems so severe that their abilities to perform one or more tasks of daily living is limited. By 2040, it is estimated that 5.5 million Americans will live in nursing homes while another 12 million will require ongoing homecare services.

Despite all of the crippling disease and health problems, researchers estimate that 1 out of every 26 baby boomers will live to age 100. So the question is, would you rather be a sick and miserable centenarian or a healthy and vibrant one?

Fortunately, you do not have to move to the wilderness or join a tribe to be part of the latter group. The following is an abbreviated list of steps you can take to live longer and be healthier from the book "Healthy at 100" by John Robbins:
  • Read labels--don't buy anything containing hydrogenated oil or high frutose corn syrup and avoid artificial colorings
  • Eat an abundance of fresh raw fruit and vegetables and buy organic whenever possible
  • Cut out processed foods and meat
  • If you do choose to eat meat buy free-range and organic
  • If you eat fish make sure it's wild and not farmed and low in mercury
  • Eat slowly, chew thoroughly, and don't stuff yourself
  • Buy fruits and vegetables that are grown locally and are in season (or grow your own)
  • Eat fresh fruits and vegetables instead of frozen or canned
  • Eat fewer flour products and more whole grains
  • Drink water instead of soda
  • Drink soy milk instead of cow's milk
Another easy step anyone can take for overall wellness is to start drinking alkaline ionized water from a Chanson ionizer. Water ionizers are designed to re-create what happens in nature when water rushes over rocks and is very similar to the natural Hunza water. Because not all of us have a waterfall in our backyard, a water ionizer is a wonderful investment for you and your family.

People who drink alkaline ionized water report increased energy and better hydration. 75% of all Americans are chronically dehydrated and most don't even know it! Symptoms of chronic dehydration include headaches, weakness, fatigue, weight gain, premature aging, constipation, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. A Chanson water ionizer provides healthy, alkaline ionized water for drinking and acidic ionized water for eco-friendly household cleaning and skincare purposes, so get yours today! Visit for more information.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Alkaline Ionized Water & Water Ionizer Myths Debunked

Because there is a lot of misinformation on the Internet regarding water ionizers and alkaline ionized water, we thought it would be a good idea to compile a list of the most common myths and provide the truth.

Won't my stomach acid render alkaline water consumption useless?

No. There is no hydrochloric acid pouch in our body, and the stomach wall makes sodium bicarbonate to alkalize our food not digest our food. HCL is only produced when we eat or drink acid-forming foods and drinks and is balanced in equal proportion by sodium bicarbonate production. When we consume alkaline forming foods and drink alkaline ionzed water, the body does not need the sodium bicarbonate production and thus the HCL production is not required either!

Dr. Robert O. Young explains, "Alkaline electron-rich water...does not trigger the release of sodium bicarbonate and thus does not cause the creation of the acid HCl, so it does not interfere with the alkalizing of the food. In fact alkaline electron-rich water with its high concentration of electrons helps the alkalizing of the food and also helps to neutralize the caustic acidic poisonous HCL, preventing the acidification of the blood and tissues."

Can't I make my own alkaline water with lemon juice, baking soda or pH drops?

Technically the pH level of water can be modified slightly by adding certain substances, however they will not necessarily reach the optimal pH level of 9.5. More importantly, alkalizing the water without the use of a water ionizer will not reduce the ORP, so the water will still be oxidizing to the body and create free radicals which destroy cells. Ionization is also the only way to microcluster the water, which allows it to hydrate up to six times better than non-ionized water, and detoxify cells more thoroughly. For these same reasons, drinking alkaline water from a non-electric ionizer or by making your own with alkaline water pouches and the like will not provide the bulk of the benefits that an electric water ionizer does. See our article Why Non-Electric "Ionizers" Can't Compare With Chanson Ionizer Machines for more information.

When it comes to ionizers, isn't more power a good thing?

More power can actually wear down your ionizers plates faster. At only 150 watts and 5 amps, Chanson water ionizers use the least power of any ionizer on the market without sacrificing quality or performance. All Chanson ionizers use a sophisticated SMPS power system--the same one that is used in the new flat-screen panel TVs. This system automatically adjusts the power to the plates based on the rate of water flow, doubling the longevity of your unit!

Isn't mesh technology is better than solid ionizer plates because it increases surface area?

The idea of mesh plates being better or worse than solid plates is mostly all just marketing hype. We have found little no difference in performance between mesh vs. solid plates. Despite many tests we have not seen a benif from mesh or slotted plates, and we have found that in some cases, the coating actually wears off faster or has problems with rust, therefore we continue to offer only original, double-dipped and baked solid plates on all of our ionizers.

Isn't UV technology a valuable upgrade for an ionizer?

We consider the UV technology in a water ionizer to be a marketing ploy that provides little if any actual benefit to the customer. While UV is used in commercial water treatment, we do not believe that the contact time between the water and the UV light in an ionizer is sufficient to kill bacteria. And even if it does kill any, it doesn't remove it so you would still be drinking dead bacteria. Furthermore, we have been told that once the light burns out, it can not be replaced. Currently in the USA, all city water has been treated with chlorine or chloramines which will have already killed any bacteria in your water. If you have well water or bacteria concerns, we offer the Chanson Ultra Filter which will remove bacteria and not clog.

If you have a question or concern that is not listed here, please feel free to ask and our water experts will be more than happy to address it. For more information on Chanson water ionizers and alkaline ionized water, please visit

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Acidic Ionized Water Effective Against Bedsores, Used to Sterilize & Disinfect Medical Facilities

Pressure ulcers (aka bedsores) have always been a big concern in the healthcare industry due to the fact that they can develop in as little as two hours and potentially lead to a patients death. Now that the federal government no longer reimburses caregiver facilities for the treatment of pressure ulcers, necessity to prevent and find inexpensive ways to treat is at an all-time high. Although the U.S. government has deemed most pressure ulcers to be preventable and avoidable, 2.5 million Americans are treated for bedsores annually, with 60,000 of them dying from related complications.

While prevention is surely key, unfortunately bedsores continue to be a perpetual problem and treatment for just one full-thickness wound could be as high as $70,000, or MILLIONS if a lawsuit ensues.
Fortunately, there is a solution: Chanson ionized acidic water, also known as “miracle water.”

Water ionizers use electrolysis to produce two streams of water — one alkaline, for healthy drinking, and one acidic, for external uses like disinfecting. You just hook the water ionizer machine up to your regular tap and turn ordinary water into filtered, ionized alkaline and acidic miracle water!

Water ionizers were certified in Japan as medical devices by the Pharmaceutical and Food Safety Bureau of Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in 2006 after decades of research in Japan, Korea and Russia. Acidic water produced from water ionizers is used in hospitals and medical facilities across Asia to treat bedsores and sterilize and disinfect skin and equipment due to its amazing antibacterial properties. Even some hotels in the U.S. have replaced their cleaning supplies with ionized acidic water and–after overcoming their initial disbelief–their staff couldn’t be happier with the results!

Our skin is naturally slightly acidic in order to help fight off bacteria, and ionized acidic water is a natural astringent which is safe for undiluted application to the skin and may help clear up blemishes, rashes and dry, rough or itchy skin. Japanese doctors were amazed when it healed pressure ulcers all the way down to the bone!

We know what you’re thinking. How could WATER do all that? We were skeptical of its disinfecting and anti-bacterial qualities too until we personally tested using a restaurant-grade bacteria meter and then we sent it out for professional testing. The Chanson Miracle ionizer has been third party lab tested and verified to be able to make strong acid water that can disinfect on contact!* We tested it on both ecoli and staph germs with outstanding results!

A Chanson ionizer is a valuable investment for any medical facility that should end up paying for itself! Visit for more information.

*In 70% of all water sources. Some water sources may require up to five minutes to kill bacteria.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Start the New Year off with a Detox

Since overeating during the holidays has become commonplace and even "tradition", most people naturally look to the new year as a fresh start and thus make resolutions to lose weight, quit bad habits like smoking, and start going to the gym.

Goal-setting/planning is the first step towards making positive changes for your health and we recommend that you consider a detox program to kick off the new year. A detox program can aid your body’s natural cleaning process by releasing excess toxins and wastes, improving circulation, and replenishing your supply of alkaline minerals.

There are many different detox methods that you can implement as well as time periods you can choose to do them for. We recommend that you consider the following suggestions and select the methods and time periods you feel are most realistic for you. Obviously the more methods you implement and the longer you do them for, the better your results may be, however taking on too much at once could be counterproductive if you fail to stick with them. We have heard of cleanses lasting anywhere from three days to three months, and people changing their diets for a lifetime or doing one-day-a-week fasts indefinitely.

A detox program can benefit virtually everyone, however if you have a health condition or are pregnant or nursing, you should discuss with your physician before starting any new eating or lifestyle program.

Here are some methods to naturally cleanse and detox your system:

Juice fasts

Fresh juice fasts (especially those high in greens) are a popular way to cleanse and alkalize the body. You can try starting every day with a glass of fresh juice, replace one meal a day with juice, or go all out and drink nothing but juice for weeks or months as Joe Cross did and inspired many others to do in the film "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead." We recommend cucumber-pear and kale-green apple as easy and cleansing duos, but keep in mind that the act of juicing even the most alkaline of fruits and vegetables creates a mildly acidic juice, therefore we recommed that you offset the acidity by diluting with 9.5 Chanson alkaline ionized water. You can juice your own if you own a juicer, or there are companies on the internet that you can order from which will deliver fresh juice to your door daily for the duration of your cleanse.

Hydrate with alkaline ionized water

Drinking Chanson alkaline ionized water is essential throughout any detox program because it helps to flush out the many toxins that will be stirred up and eliminated from fat stores and organs in your body like your lymphatic system and your kidneys. Ionized water is microclustered which means it penetrates cells deeper than traditional water and can thus flush them out more effectively. A Chanson water ionizer is a wonderful investment for overall day-to-day health, not just during a detox. You can also try one day a week "water fasts" where you drink nothing but Chanson ionized water to cleanse your system.

Liquid feast

One of the reasons juice and water fasts are so effective is because they give your body a break from having to work so hard to break down your food for digestion. Therefore you can also try a liquid diet of blending or pureeing your food if you wish to consume more than just juice or water. Soups and smoothies are examples of liquid feast "dishes" you can try and are recommended by Dr. Robert O. Young in his book "The pH Miracle for Weight Loss."

Cut the crap

When we consume unnatural foods, they can leave behind a dense residue in our cells, which can turn into excess weight, body odor, wrinkles, cellulite and premature aging. Therefore, sugar, artificial sweeteners, animal products, processed foods, and fried foods should be eliminated from your diet during a detox and reduced in general for overall health. For example, just because coffee, alcohol, milk and sodas are liquids does not mean that they are acceptable for a liquid feast. Likewise, ordering "fresh juice" off of a Jamba Juice menu is not going to have the desired effect due to the excess sugar their smoothies contain. Dairy products clog your system and are acidifying, so avoid yogurt also.

Eat raw

If you choose to incorporate some solid foods into your diet, then you should rely heavily on raw alkaline fruits and vegetables as snacks, starters and even meals. Raw foods are more nutrient-dense than cooked foods and their negative ionic charge is the opposite of the positive ionic charge of toxins in our cells. The fiber found in fruits and vegetables will also help with elimination as well. Consider munching on carrot, celery and bell pepper sticks dipped in hummus, salads with oil-based dressings, and fruits dipped in almond butter.


According to Dr. Norman Walker, author of "Colon Health: The Key to a Vibrant Life": "The elimination of undigested food and other waste products is equally important as the proper digestion and assimilation of food...the very best diets can be no better than the very worst if the sewage system of the colon is clogged with a collection of waste and corruption." A colonic is a safe and effective method for cleansing the bowels and can be performed by a professional or done in the comfort of your own home with the use of a colema board as often as once a month. Without them, buildup in the bowels can lead to prevention of the absorption of water and nutrients, constipation, growth of harmful bacteria and yeast and autointoxication (when toxins are absorbed into the bloodstream through the colon wall).

Go green

While you're working hard to watch what goes into and comes out of your body, don't forget to keep an eye on the toxins you may be exposing yourself to externally. Virtually all chemical-based household cleaners and many personal beauty products like shampoos, deodorants and toothpastes are acidifying to the body and contain known carcinogens. Chanson ionized acidic water--the byproduct of a water ionizer--is an all-natural alternative to everything from mouthwash and facial toner to Windex and Lysol.

Exercise--the alkaline way

"Instead of hard exercise (which creates lactic acid), one should practice traditional Asian soft-style exercises such as yoga, Tai Chi, and Chi Gung on a daily basis throughout the duration of any detox program" according to Daniel Reid, author of "The Tao of Detox." Don't have the time and/or desire to learn traditional Asian exercises? Rebounding on a mini-trampoline can dramatically improve lymph flow while exercising every cell in the body, and walking, stretching and aerobic exercise also works well.

Pledge to be stress-free

When stress hormones are released into the system in large amounts, toxins are created and can slow down the detoxification enzymes in the liver. Negative emotions are also very damaging and should be minimized. Dr. Young has seen negative emotions have a more damaging effect on one's alkalinity than the worst of foods, and world-renowned photographer Dr. Masaru Emoto has documented the effects of negative words on water crystals with pictures (this is important considering that we are about 70% water!)

Practice hydrotherapy

To increase circulation and help flush out toxins, try alternating a very hot shower for five minutes, with cold water for 30 seconds, for a series of three times in a row before wrapping in a towel and getting into bed for 30 minutes. But don't try this before installing a Chanson Spa Shower Filter, which filters harmful chlorines and chloramines from the water which would otherwise be absorbed by your skin and lungs.

Sweat it out

One way toxins are released from the body is through perspiration, which is why most spas offer saunas and steam rooms. Infrared saunas are preferred as they can cause you to perspire more than twice as much, and if you are going to be using a steam room or wet sauna make sure it is using filtered water so that you are not inhaling the contaminants found in tap water.

Breathe deeply

"Deep breathing greatly enhances oxygenation of the blood and tissues, which helps neutralize acidosis and maintains a healthy alkaline environment inside the body" according to Reid. One of the main ways to move the lymph system is through breathing deeply, so try focusing on your breathing several times throughout the day.

Dry skin brushing

To increase lymph flow, you can use a natural bristle brush on dry skin by brushing in circular motions towards the heart. This will help your lymph system rid itself of the toxins that collect in the lymph glands and keep the pores of the skin open.

We hope that you will find these detox suggestions helpful and will try to implement one or more of them this new year for better health.

DISCLAIMER: The author of this article is not a trained physician. This advice is not meant to replace that of a qualified physician. If you have a health condition or are pregnant or nursing, you should discuss with your physician before starting any new eating or lifestyle program.

Chanson Water Ionizers - Health Insurance from your TAP