Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Amazing! Cholesterol Drug Not Effective in Study

The New York Times reports today that after a two-year study, FDA approved drug Zetia, and a pill that contains it, Vytorin, have proven to not be effective! The drug companies that pushed through the original FDA approval and have been milking you and your insurance dollars should be in big trouble. Personally I’m not a big fan of drugs, drug companies or the FDA. I always try to use natural remedies and have found them to be very effective. We do have scientific proof that alkaline Ionized water lowers cholesterol and helps with a host of other health problems because of the way that the molecules are electrolyzed and provide a charge that is the polar opposite of the toxins in your cells which draws them out. I’m transcribing that information from a foreign video and will have the study available soon.
Full New York Times story here:

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